Savithri N V

Savithri N V

PEN: 868635
Department: Music
Designation: Assistant Professor
Address: Plot No. 31, RAG, Vidyuth Nagar, College Road, Palakkad
Phone: 8848077411
Experience: 2 years and 6 Months.
Educational qualifications 

University/ Institution 
Year of Pass
University of Calicut
Govt College Chittur, University of Calicut
Ph D
Pursuing at Dept of Music, Kannur University in the topic  “Analysis of Musical Styles of Patnam Subramanya Iyer and  Ramanathapuram Srinivasa Iyyengar” under the guideship  of Dr, Mini N, Professor & H.O.D, Department of Music,  Kannur University.


Broad Area of Research : Study of musical compositions of different composers.


  1. “Bangalore Nagarathnamma -The Humble devotee of Saint Tyagaraja” – Article published  in the Journal of Modern Thamizh Research (ISSN 2321-984X ) as a part of International virtual  conference -2021 “South Indian Music and Dance” conducted by the Department of Music,  Avinashilingam Institute of Home science And Higher Education for women, Coimbatore.
  2. “Akka Mahadevi – The Mystic Saint” – Article published in the peer reviewed multi disciplinary research Journal, Echoes of Research Vol 9- 2020 (ISSN 2348-2680) Published by  Govt College for women, Thiruvananthapuram.
  3. “Duet concerts in the 20th and 21st century” – Article published in connection with the  UGC sponsored National Seminar on “New trends in Carnatic Music” by the Dept of Music,  Govt College Chittur, Palakkad 2019.

Books/ Chapters Published: Nil

Paper Presentations

Sl No 
Title of paper 
Name of Conference 
Sripadaraja – The Prolific Composer

Webinar series in  Music on Various

phases of Transition  and tradition in

South Indian Music, conducted by Dept  of Music, University  Of Kerala.

20/01/2021  to


“Duet concerts in the 20th and 21st century”
UGC sponsored

National Seminar on  “New trends in

Carnatic Music”

conducted by the  Dept Of Music, Govt  College Chittur,






Areas Of Interest: 

∙ Doing Carnatic Music concerts.

∙ Hearing the Music concerts of Prominent musicians.

∙ Studies related to different Carnatic Music forms and analyzing the styles of different  musicians.

Field of Research

∙ Analysis of Musical Styles of Patnam Subramanya Iyer and Ramanathapuram Srinivasa  Iyyengar.


Academic & Administrative Responsibilities  

  1. External and Internal Examiner for the conduct of practical Examination for UG and PG  music.
  2. Guided Project work of UG&PG students.
  3. Escorted students for various cultural activities.
  4. Invigilation duty undertaken for KPSC Examinations.
  5. Class tutor ship for UG.
  6. Discharged duties as a member of Scholarship cell for the year 2019 – 20 & 2020-21.